To avoid this, increment by 32,700 less the merchant's current gold, sell items and repeat as needed. This gold will not go to the Dragonborn's inventory when selling items to the vendor if the additem causes the vendor's gold to exceed 32,767, the maximum positive number that can be stored in an int variable in C. Show all, no fast travel.Īdds to target NPC, Note: Use on a merchant to set the amount of barter gold. This will also visually disable the console, but it will still function.) Toggle Menus (Disables all GUI elements, including menus, the compass, subtitles and messages. If an enemy performs a kill animation on the Dragonborn, a visual bug will result where the Dragonborn's body will appear to be slightly distorted.) Toggle Immortal Mode (Character will still take damage, but their health will never reach zero. Carry weight will never affect movement or fast travel.) Toggle God Mode (Grants infinite health, magicka, and stamina. loads all unexplored areas on the local map. May result in an increase in frames per second.

Toggle relatively taxing image settings such as blur. Useful for relocating the Dragonborn or finding items or bodies that have fallen through a wall or floor. If used while falling off a cliff, may cause a crash. Using the TCL command with a target toggles clipping for the target. Toggle Combat Artificial Intelligence (characters may turn hostile, but will not attack the Dragonborn).

To fix, use TC on the Dragonborn to turn off their actions. If used when targeting an NPC, will transfer control to said NPC, and any command inputs will be applied both characters. Used in conjunction with TCAI will completely disable NPC actions.) Toggle Artificial Intelligence (Characters will not react to non- combat stimuli and dialogue may not function. Will switch between run mode and walking mode.